Press | 09.11.2023

Rave reviews for Bayreuth “Ring”

The press responded enthusiastically about Pietari Inkinen’s heavily acclaimed Der Ring des Nibelungen at the Bayreuther Festspiele 2023. See some quotes here below followed by a link to the complete press review.

“… he might be remembered as one of the most inspired conductors who ever undertook the »Ring« in Bayreuth: the fluid combination of sensitive accompaniment and sensationally build up eruptions is gripping and without equal.”
Das Opernglas

“Pietari Inkinen’s Ring conducting is a hit”
Van Magazines

“Inkinen delivers a real masterstroke.”
Heilbronner Stimme

“It is a triumphal procession for Inkinen”
Südwest Presse

“A great triumph.”
SR2 Kultur Radio

“Inkinen propelled scenes forward, giving and receiving from the singers during long narratives. The “Todesverkündigung,” the dreamlike scene in “Die Walküre” in which Brünnhilde appears to Siegmund in a vision,was steadily, hauntingly built. All in all, the orchestra was, as Wagner intended, a character in its own right… .”
The New York Times

“He masters the covered pit not only technically, but also provides beguilingly voluptuous orchestral moments and breathtaking tension”
Stuttgarter Nachrichten

“Above all, however, he succeeds in what every good Wagner conductor must succeed in: to phrase the symphonic autonomy of motivic progressions autonomously, but at the same time to match them to the singers with syllable accuracy”

“Conductor Inkinen is able to render instrumental details particularly vivid”

“He enjoys celebrating the great symphonic moments such as the Rheinfahrt or the funeral march and knows how to drive the drama forward with vigour.”
Münchner Merkur

“Pietari Inkinen and the festival orchestra offer pure joy”
Online Musik Magazin

Press | 08.06.2024

Interview with Spanish magazine Scherzo

'Pietari Inkinen: “El panorama musical finlandés sería muy distinto sin la música de Sibelius”'

Press | 11.05.2024

Interview with Saarbrücker Zeitung

In May, Pietari Inkinen gave an interview for Saarbrücker Zeitung about his upcoming final season as Chief Conductor of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie. You can access the feature online at the following link:

Press | 26.02.2024

Interview with Musica

Pietari Inkinen recently spoke with Nicola Cattò from the Italian Musica magazine. The six pages interview has just been published in the magazine's March issue. Subjects discussed include Pietari Inkinen's connection with Italy, the "Finnish conducting school", Bayreuth and more. You can purchase the print or digital edition of the magazine on the following link:

Press | 01.02.2024

Interview with Il Giorno

Pietari Inkinen spoke with Grazia Lissi from the Italian newspaper Il Giorno on the occasion of his concerts with I Pomeriggi Musicali. You will find the feature here below: